Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Wednesday - September 08, 2004

Kerry Lied, Vets Cried ..

Now we have a veteran who testified before Congress with John Kerry in 1971, coming forth and telling how he was coerced by Kerry and his group to make up stories of rape and murder by American soldiers in Vietnam.

Pitkin’s renunciation of his participation in the Detroit event was reported by Scott Swett, the primary author of, which documents Kerry’s role in VVAW. Swett also is the webmaster for the website of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group of 254 veterans who contend their fomer colleague, Kerry, is unfit to be commander in chief.

On the second day of the Detroit conference, Pitkin said, he was surrounded by a group of the event’s leaders, who said they needed more witnesses and wanted him to speak.

According to Swett, Pitkin protested he had nothing to say, prompting Kerry’s response, “Surely you had to have seen some of the atrocities.”

Swett writes:

Pitkin insisted that he hadn’t, and the group’s mood turned menacing. One of the other leaders leaned in and whispered, “It’s a long walk back to Baltimore.” Pitkin finally agreed to “testify.” The Winter Soldier leaders told Pitkin exactly what they wanted – stories about rape, brutality, shooting prisoners and racism. Kerry assured him that “the American people will be grateful for what you have to say.”

This story gets even worse ....

During the formal hearings, according to Swett, Pitkin started “to slam the press for misrepresenting what GIs really did in Vietnam, but a woman he believes was Jane Fonda shot him an astonished look and started to stand up. Steve could see other members of the group getting ready to cut him off, so he changed course and made up a few things he thought they would be willing to accept.”

Pitkin now states: “Everything I said about atrocities and racism was a lie. My unit never went out with the intention of doing anything but its job. And I never saw black soldiers treated differently, get picked out for the worst or most dangerous jobs, or anything like that. There were some guys, shirkers, who would intentionally injure themselves to get sent home, so I talked about that for a while. But the fact is I lied my ass off, and I’m not proud of it. I didn’t think it would ever amount to anything.”

So where does this leave us? The poodle and his buddies made up a lot of shit and testified before Congress in 1971. The media exposure helped launch John Kerry’s career. It also hurt a lot of honorable soldiers who fought in Vietnam. It hurt them deeply. Many committed suicide and may others were never able to fully re-adjust to a society that hated them when they came home from that war. Thanks to John Kerry and his political ambitions.

And this shit-fer-brains wants to be our next President? If I were in charge, he’d be imprisoned and beaten three times daily .... and forced to wait hand and foot on every Vietnam veteran still living. Of course, most of them would consider it an insult for Kerry to be allowed to do anything more than lick their boots.

The Poodle for President? Fuggedaboutit!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/08/2004 at 11:01 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 05, 2004

Le Joke Du Jour

John Kerry and John Edwards arrive at a McDonalds during a campaign swing through the Midwest. In her excitement at seeing the two candidates, an employee accidentally spills coffee on Kerry’s hand.

Within minutes Edwards had filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against McDonalds while .... you guessed it .... Kerry was busy writing the incident up for his fourth Purple Heart


Quote From John Kerry: “I’m not French, I just look like a surrender monkey”.

More Bad News For Kerry, Part I: The US Navy has now launched an official probe into Kerry’s falsified military records.

More Bad News For Kerry, Part II: In a unanimous decision, the Mad Mullahs of Iran have declared that John Kerry is their selection as next President of the US.

When it rains it pours, don’t it John?


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/05/2004 at 04:19 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - September 04, 2004

Democratic Dirty Tricks

The Democrats are getting desperate. Now, they’re running an ad purporting to show Zell Miller is flip-flopping on George Bush. The only problem is they are trying to confuse voters with sound bites from Miller talking about ANOTHER George Bush, the former President, George H. W. Bush. As usual, lies and deception are the Dummycraps favorite tactic .....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/04/2004 at 07:22 PM   
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calendar   Friday - September 03, 2004



Talk about opportune!  Seems that Bill “Blowjob” Clinton is going in for heart surgery.

Why is it I am not all broken up about this?  Could it be all that pork he eats (or is it all those pigs he porks?!? I don’t know; it’s so confusing!)

Iif I didn’t know better this SOB planned this in order to get the attention back on to himself and The Hildebeast and take away from the great Republican convention.

But, then again, I WAS always somewhat of a conspiracy theorist!



Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/03/2004 at 01:36 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - August 31, 2004

The “F” Word

What is it with Liberal Moonbats like Michael Moore and the "F" word. Could it be because they are backing ....


(who is a fucking useless, two-faced fucktard)

(see, Republicans can cuss too)

Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004 9:50 a.m. EDT

Michael Moore Tells Republican 'F-You'

NewsMax's Wes Vernon spoke with Morton Blackwell, the GOP National Committeeman from Virginia and head of the Leadership Institute.

Reports that Michael Moore was gracious and friendly to convention goers may be unfounded.

Here's what Blackwell observed:

"In this hallway here [just outside the convention arena] roughly a half-hour before [McCain refered to Moore as a 'disingenuous filmmaker'], a conservative lady from a Midwestern state, whom I happen to know, went up to him [Moore] as he was walking and said something like 'May God save you' – in essence, in a very nice Christian way, calling on him to mend his ways.

"Moore's response was 'F--- you.' These were people who were guarding him [who accompanied him out of Madison Square Garden].

"They were afraid that somehow these Republican ladies and gentlemen would become a menace to him, which was rather preposterous."

Menace? Those nice folks in Madison Square Garden? Not a chance. However if he ever comes down South anywhere close to me, it's going to take a LOT of bodyguards. We have the tar and feathers all ready (actually we had to strip the Mississippi Highway Department of ALL their road tar and pluck every chicken in Arkansas to make sure we had enough material to cover this fat, arrogant, useless piece of shit!)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/31/2004 at 07:09 PM   
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calendar   Monday - August 30, 2004



Take the first picture below and photoshop it to your heart's content. Submit it to us (e-mail to either Vilmar or Allan) and we'll post it here. We'll let readers vote on the best one by casting votes in the comments. The winner will receive an autographed picture of President George W. Bush!

From Ben ....

From Macker ....

From Brian ....

From Kent ....

From OldCatMan (Boo! Hiss! Leftie!) ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/30/2004 at 07:25 PM   
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Clinton and the 10 Commandments

I first heard about this on the Glenn Beck program so did some digging and found the article he was talking about.

Like Glenn, I advise all readers to break out the duct tape and wrap your head tightly with LOTS of it. That way, while you're reading the article and your head explodes from the sheer hypocrisy of what Clinton said, paramedics will be able to gather those little pieces that break free and re-construct your skull.

Here's what Fuckwad said:
"Sometimes I think our friends on the other side have become the people of the nine commandments,"

Yep! Bill Clinton, the guy who twisted the word "is" into such a pretzel shape we are still trying to straighten it out 6 years later. The guy who was convicted and fined for perjury. The guy who was impeached and subsequently lost his license to practice law for lying to a grand jury.

Yep! He accuses President Bush and the Republicans of lying!

So, in a paraphrase of what Glenn said coupled with some additional commentary by me, let's review the 10 commandments and see where Bil and his party, the Dummycraps, rank in the "TOP 10"

1. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (I will give Clinton and his party credit for this. At no time has anyone ever heard any of them pray to Satan. They may be in cahoots with or have asked for advice from Satan but they don't start their prayers with "Our satan. who art in hell.....)

2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. (Nope, can't give it to them. Too many accounts of the GD word. And let's not mention what Clinton may have uttered in his momments of pleasure while getting a "monica")

3. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. (OK, Clinton gets this one. No one has ever seen him with graven images of golden cows.....................hey! wait a minute!! Wasn't there a cow in a blue dress in the Oval Office? Oh, yeah! Never mind. SHE was the one on her knees, not him.)

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this. Glenn didn't but lots of times Clinton could be found in Black churches in the D.C. area. )

5. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long. (Nope. Just considering all the shame Clinton and his party brought to the country should be enough to prove he DISHONORED his mother and father.)

6. Thou shalt not kill. (OK, grudgingly. I know, I know, Vince Foster? Ron Brown? But I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.)

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Nope. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!)

8. Thou shalt not steal. (Nope. Remember January 2001 when Bush walked into the White House and all that stuff was missing?)

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. (Nope. Remember the Grand Jury testimoney found to be false?)

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's. (Nope. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Tell that to all those women!)

Final score:

Bush--party of 9 Commandments
Clinton---party of 4 Commandments

Any questions?

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/30/2004 at 10:23 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - August 29, 2004

Twas The Night Before Christmas (Cambodian Version)

Twas the night before Christmas and we were afloat
Somewhere in Cambodia in our little boat.
While the river was lightened by rockets red glare
No one but the President knew we were there.

The crew was all nestled deep down in their bunks,
While the Spook and I watched the sampans and junks.
Our mission was secret, so secret in fact,
No one else would remember it when we got back.

When out on the water there arose such a clatter
I leaped down from the bridge to see what was the matter.
The incoming friendly was starting to flash
And I knew that the ARVN's were having a bash.

The snap of friendly fire on the warm tropic air
Convinced me for sure no one knew we were there,
On a clandestine mission so secret it's true
That I'm still convinced only Tricky Dick knew.

While I huddled for safety in the tub on the bow,
I thought of a title, "Apocalypse Now."
To give to the films I was I making each day
To show all the voters when I made my big play.

As I sat there sweating in my lucky flight jacket,
Spook said, "Merry Christmas!" and tossed me a packet.
And what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a new lucky cap, which I still have right here.

I keep it tucked here, in this leather brief case,
Just sharing with the press its secretive place
As I regale them again with my senate refrain,
That Christmas in Cambodia is seared into my brain.

Don't bother to quibble with history my friend,
By pointing out Johnson was President then.
Don't listen to Swiftees who try to explain,
For I tell you that night is seared into my brain.

Down Hibbard, down Lonsdale, and you too O'Neill,
So you don't remember? Well it's something I feel.
I don't need all you Swiftvets to support my campaign,
Cause Christmas in Cambodia is seared into my brain,

Into my brain, into my brain, into my brain...

Submitted by Russ Vaughn, 2d Bn,
327th Parachute Infantry Regiment,
101st Airborne Division -- Vietnam 65-66

(--thanks to Ferdinand A. for tipping me off on this)

Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/29/2004 at 08:58 PM   
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Modern Fascism?

I don't mean to encourage any of the looney protesters coming to New York this week but it might behoove all of them to closely examine how the two parties are dealing with protesters. Take a look at the pictures below.

The first two show how the Democrats treated protesters during the Democratic Convention a few weeks ago. The forced them into a cage, behind double chain-link fences and razor wire loops at the top. There the protesters were allowed to protest their hearts out far from the main convention center where they might upset the loyal party faithful. I was there and saw "the cage". My impression was that the Democrats were trying to create a "petting zoo".

Then examine the third picture which was taken just minutes before I posted this on Sunday. The streets of New York are full of protesters, most of them hired or encouraged by the Democrats, carrying their signs and exercising their First Amendment rights for all to see. As long as they remain peaceful, they will be allowed to parade wherever they wish as long as they apply for a permit.

Summation: One party, the Democrats, locked up protesters in a cage in order to keep them quiet and out of the way. The other party, the Republicans, allow protesters to parade through the streets and express their views. The Democrats hire and encourage protesters to go to New York and protest, and top leaders of the Democratic Party (Clinton, Sharpton, Jackson, etc.) are all camped out in New York to attack Republicans during their convention. The Republicans all went on vacation while the Democrats held their convention.

Yes, my fellow Americans, one of our major partys is using fascist tactics to suppress dissent against themselves and at the same time encourage dissent against the other partys. One party thinks protesters should be caged behind barbed wire. One party is trying to get Ralph Nader removed from the ballots in order to increase their chances of getting their man elected. One party is using smear tactics to attack the other candidate but screams bloody murder when their candidate gets attacked. One party encourages looney activists in Hollywood, who have almost no political knowledge except for what they read in scripts, to attack the other candidate openly and in a vulgar fashion utilizing profanity and nudity to gain attention. Not since the 1930's has the world seen a political party in a major country use these kinds of tactics in order to gain power .... and you know what I'm referring to.

That one party using these fascist tactics is .... the Democratic Party. If you're a Democrat, I have only one question for you .... how do you sleep at night? But if you can't sleep, try reading a copy of Mein Kampf.

DNC - Boston, 2004

RNC - New York, 2004

Looks like all the Democratic Fascist Party
Storm Troopers are out in force ..

Filmmaker Michael Moore, left, protest organizer Leslie Cagan, second from left,
the Rev. Jesse Jackson, second from right, and actor Danny Glover,right, lead
a protest march by tens of thousands of Bush administration opponents on the
eve of the Republican National Convention in New York, Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004.

For more pictures of the Fascist Party's stooges in New York click on the flag below for our slide show of Moonbats In The Streets ....
See More Below The Fold


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/29/2004 at 02:30 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - August 28, 2004

Blame Bush?

If you think naked protesters was stoopid, consider this ....

This protester in New York this weekend has taken Bush-bashing to its ultimate conclusion. I wonder if this little old lady lives in Palm Beach, Flori-DUH? I call on John Kerry to denounce this kind of activity in the name of .... of .... Poligrip.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/28/2004 at 07:46 PM   
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Is Your Kids Learning?


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/28/2004 at 07:25 PM   
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Speaking Of Protestors

I felt this one was worthy of a separate posting.

In addition to the moonbats listed in the previous post NY was the scene of shitbirds like these forons who got naked to protest for more money for AIDS research.

I don't know about you but if I were a cop and they were naked, I'd use one of those loops on a stick that animal control guys use to capture wild critters. Hey, I would not take a chance knowing full well these rabid idiots might try and bite me.

Which brings up another point: why is it that society has to spend so much money researching a cure for a disease that, for all intents and purposes nowadays, is SELF-INFLICTED? Simple precautions like ABSTINENCE--hmm, what a concept--until one is very familiar with, and confident that, their partner is clean and has not engaged in any other sexual behavior with a different partner for several months. Then condom use with no roughhousing (hey, can't have it rip now, can we?) until there is no doubt wither partner is clean.

We can get into this long, in-depth discussion about risk groups, promiscuity, natural urges, etc. but I won't engage in it. You're smart enough to know what I am talking about and I am not so stupid as to think there aren't kids who contract it via the womb because of their stupid mothers or people who got it through blood transfusions--although that number is decreasing---or women/men who get it from being raped or otherwise violated. etc. etc. etc. Yes, those cases are a tragedy. But you must ask yourself, "how high a price must I pay for this cure?" Using the supposed argument that all life is precious if the lives of those with AIDS is so precious, then we should be spending billions researching ways to keep kids from drowning in pools. We should be spending billions to ensure that NO ONE dies from a bee sting or contact with a poisonous mushroom. But we don't.

Suffice it to say that my point is this: these immoral sons of bitches who do this protesting want us to spend money so they can continue their risqué behavior with no consequences for their actions. We are the ones being careful. We are the ones that don't do what sometimes the little devil on our left shoulder says we should "just because it's fun and it's NOW!"; we're the ones who don't do drugs or engage in risky sexual behavior (you know which ones I am referring to!) But they want to because they consider themselves "liberal" "with it" "cool" "intellectually open" Either that or they are pimps, prostitutes, druggies or promiscuously homosexual.

One last thing, I sure would like to find a place where I can strip away data like 1.) number of people who die every year by major disease (heart attack, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, AIDS, leukemia, MS, etc) and 2.) how much money is spent on research for each of those areas.

Somehow I suspect that if I could find this data my gut instinct tells me we spend more, per capita, on AIDS deaths than anything else. I could be wrong but...................................... I doubt it.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/28/2004 at 08:46 AM   
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Leftist Protestors in NYC

I keep seeing these stories about how the activists will attempt to disrupt the Republican Convention in NY.

First you have this group who says they will protest in Central Park even after they've been told they can't.

Another has already snarled car traffic with their bikes. They belong to a group called critical mass which started years ago as an advocacy group to increase public awareness of cycling for health and to reduce traffic and congestion. Then they moved to larger protests creating gridlock in cities like San Francisco and LA. Now they are going political. As a cyclist I hate these assholes. They ruin cycling's name.

Another group advocates violence on their web sites. Examples?

Internet sites have encouraged protestors to bring slingshots to attack police horses, and marbles that can be thrown beneath those horses' hooves to make them slip and injure themselves and their police officer riders.

Some have gone so far as to make available the handbook of the hippy protestor, the "anarchist cookbook."

In it you will find:
recipes that tell protestors how to set off sensors used to detect terrorist explosives and chemical weapons. Such detectors sounding an alarm could cause panic, mass evacuations, a disrupted convention and the loss of scarce national television prime time for the Republican message.

The Clinton administration even gave one of these groups tax exempt status as a 501 (c) (3) group! (That should come as no surprise!)

Read this to get a better idea of what these fucktwits are up to.

Also read about how Fuckface Kerry has one of these moonbats on his payroll-- Zack Exley, who was trained by and has worked as a "workshop facilitator" for The Ruckus Society.

Guess who's funded these shitbirds? Try Ted Turner and the TIDES Foundation--to the tune of $150,000 and $23,000 respectively.
"Since April 2004 Exley has been the Director of Online Communications and Online Organizing for the John Kerry-John Edwards 2004 presidential campaign organization. "

Any bets whether Fuckface will ask this guy to resign?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Let's just hope the Chief of NY Police will give his men carte blanche to bash in the skulls of any of these assholes should they do anything more than hold signs and chant. If they damage even a roadblock their bodies need to be converted into "police baton tensile strength testing devices." If they spit on or throw objects at ANYONE, baseball bats should be applied liberally to their faces and shins. Gotta make examples of these barking moonbats and what better way than a good ole Louisville Slugger. Hey, maybe Derek Jeter and Sammy Sosa can autograph a few.

Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 08/28/2004 at 08:28 AM   
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calendar   Friday - August 27, 2004

Saturday Surprise

Pay attention, everyone! We have invited a member of the "loyal opposition" to be a guest blogger here tomorrow. Who is he? Well, I'll give you a few hints ....

1. He's old and cranky .... like me.

2. He lives in Colorado.

3. He hates George W. Bush.

4. He has posted some very entertaining picture shows on his own blog site.

5. His initials are O-C-M.

Give up?

Check back tomorrow when OCM takes on BMEWS with an all new picture show.

Final Hint (click on the picture if you really give up):


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 08/27/2004 at 08:35 PM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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